Our main goal at the 4th Republic is to keep a daily record of the 1st Socialist President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, and the effect it will have on our Constitutional Republic. The 4th Republic represents the 4 stages of collapse the U.S. has been through since the founding, and how Marxism and Socialism is destroying it.


The Forth Republic Represents the end of an era of Republican presidential dominance and Conservative ideology. We use this chart based off of Bruce Akermans chart on how to understand American history. As Akerman writes, "Since the French Revolution, France has been governed by five republics (plus two empires, a directory and a fascist dictatorship). Since the American Revolution, we Americans have been governed by several republics as well. But because we, like the British, pay lip service to formal continuity more than do the French, we pretend that we have been living under the same government since the federal Constitution was drafted and ratified in 1787-88."

The First Republic of the United States, assembled following the American Revolution and collapsed as follows: 1776-1861.
-1818: Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism, Socialism, and later Communism and Facism is born.
-1829: Andrew Jackson Becomes President (The First Democrat)-repeatedly called for the abolition of the Electorial College by Constitutional Amendment in his annual messages to Congress as President.
-1832: The Indian Removal Act (Worcester v. Georgia)-First and only American President to commit mass genocide against his own people. The Trail of of Tears.
-1850's: Labor Unions are founded. Though they start as a good orginization for workers pay rights, and child labor laws, but later become the largest group of Government sanctioned organized crime in the United States.-
1861: President Abraham Lincoln violates habeas corpus and invades Southern Teritory to remove the lawful Government that had formed in accordance to the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution. Thus begining the War Between the States, and ending the First Republic.
The Second Republic, assembled following the Civil War and Reconstruction, lasting from 1860 to 1932.
-1867: Radical Republicans and their harsh reconstruction efforts create the progressive movement, with the help of the Marxist Movement in Europe.
-1870-1876: White Democrats return to power and enact the Jim Crow Laws.
-1913: The Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI) to the United States Constitution was ratified allowing the Congress to levy a progressive income tax without regard to the States or the Census.
-1917: President Woodrow Wilson refers to America as a Democracy instead of calling it a Republic.-
1919 President Woodrow Wilson fights to create a League of Nations.
-1920 Anarchists of the European Social Marxist movement, celebrating the Communist takeover of Russia and the creation of Facism, bomb Wall Street in an attept to destroy the American Capitalist system.-
1929: The Stock Market Crashes. World wide depression insues, and Socialism grabs hold all over Europe.
The Third American Republic, assembled during the New Deal and the civil rights eras and lasted from 1932 until 2004.-1933: President Franklin D. Roosevelt takes the first of a four-term imperial throne. He wins by a massive popular vote, expressing change in America and fixing the economy. (Sounds familiar?)-New Deal and Social Security triple the size of the Federal Government and Federal Debt worsening the depression. Recovery is made by the production of mass weaponry to fight World War Two.
-1942: President Roosevelt violates the Constitution and imprisons Japanese Americans because they are believed to be a threat to National Secuirty.
-1965: President Lyndon Banes Johnson begins plans to create the Great Society to help end poverty. As a result, poverty and dependance upon Government increased.
-1971: President Richard Nixon removes U.S. Currency from the Gold Standard. Money is now printed in greater quantity, and the Federal Reserve took over the U.S. gold supply.
-1977: President Jimmy Carter signs The Community Reinvestment Act into law. This begins the start of the financial housing market crisses that finally collapses in 2007 due to orginizations such as Accorn and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac.
-1993: President William Jefferson Clinton begins social changes which over a two year period bankrupt the Federal Government, and lead to the Republican Revolution of 1994 under Newt Gingrich.
The Fourth American Republic began in 2004 when Progressives, Liberals, and Socialists repudiate President George W. Bush's foreign policy and his domestic policy, including Social Security privatization. In 2006 the Democrats swept the Republicans out of Congress, and in 2008 they have recaptured the White House.The next four years will see the creation and expansion of more Socialist programs since the New Deal.

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